
Studies in Dogmatics: Man: The Image of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

This is the eighth volume to appear in the American edition of Professor Berkouwer's Studies in Dogmatics. Like its predecessors, it stands independently of the series as well as being a part of a larger theological whole. Like the other books, too, this study in theological anthropology, or the Biblical doctrine of man, is a fine example of Reformed theology being defended and developed through...

but not in his body. Man’s body was excluded from the image, and it was believed that if this exclusion was not firmly upheld, the theologian would be supporting the naive anthropomorphism of earlier eccentric sects.23 This dualism between body and soul played a not unimportant role in the delimitation of the image of God. In this connection, we are always struck by a remark of Calvin’s. He acknowledges that the image lies primarily in the understanding or in the heart, in the soul and its powers;
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